This isn't a real
ORA-01555 issue where extending the UNDO tablespace will fix the issue, It is
an actually LOB datatype corruption issue.
Running Oracle datapump
"expdp" on the schema will also reveal the table that has the
corruption although it will not reveal the specific column:
- Identify if
UNDO tablespace is enough to grow:
col file_name format a60
set pagesize 120
set linesize 1000
select file_id, file_name, round(bytes/1024/1024, 2) MB, status, autoextensible, round(maxbytes/1024/1024,2) max_mb from dba_data_files where tablespace_name like upper ('UNDO%') order by file_id;
- Create a temporary
table as place holder:
create table corrupted_lob_data (corrupted_rowid rowid);
- Run the following
procedure to catch the error 1555:
set concat off
error_1555 exception;
pragma exception_init(error_1555,-1555);
num number;
for cursor_lob in (select rowid r, &&lob_column from &table_owner.&table_with_lob) loop
num := dbms_lob.instr (cursor_lob.&&lob_column, hextoraw ('889911')) ;
when error_1555 then
insert into corrupted_lob_data values (cursor_lob.r);
end loop;
Enter value for
lob_column: VALUE
Enter value for table_owner: vpxadmin
Enter value for table_with_lob: VPX_TEXT_ARRAY
old 6: for cursor_lob in (select rowid r, &&lob_column from &table_owner.&table_with_lob) loop
new 6: for cursor_lob in (select rowid r, VALUE from vpxadmin.VPX_TEXT_ARRAY) loop
old 8: num := dbms_lob.instr (cursor_lob.&&lob_column, hextoraw ('889911')) ;
new 8: num := dbms_lob.instr (cursor_lob.VALUE, hextoraw ('889911')) ;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
- Take a look at the
placeholder table for corrupted rowid. You might have more than one rows.
SQL> select * from corrupted_lob_data;
- To confirm if the
row/s associated were really corrupted. Do this in SQLPLUS and it should
error out the same way as it happens in the VCD log states. Note: DO NOT
use SQLDEVELOPER to track this, it will not produced the exact error since
it skip the contents of the LOB column.
Select * from vpx_text_array where rowid=’AAB7XAAAGAAEFjwAAC’
This blog will take you as far as tracking the
corrupted cells.
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